Hunting Under A Red Sun, 2018, Mixed Media on wood panel, 41x30
Untitled Drawing w/ Moby Dick + Ship of Fools, 2019, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40
Untitled, 2018, Mixed Media on wood panel, 41x30
Untitled - Birds + Skulls, 2017, Mixed media painting on 2 ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40
Untitled w/ Unfortunate Incident, 2022, 75x108
Untitled w/ Rainbow Serpent, 2017, Mixed Media on wood panel, 96x72
Untitled Painting w/ Blue Man + White Bird, 2018, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
Circle of Life, 2023, Mixed Media on wood panel
Winter's Witches, 2023, Mixed Media on Wood Panel, 72x82

Untitled w/ Howls that Wake us in the Night, 2022, 60 x 60in

Untitled Triptych (Altarpiece for Annie and David's Wedding), Mixed Media on wood panel, 2018, 96 x 72 in

Red Bird, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2018, 41 x 30 in

Angel of Venice, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2018, 41 x 30 in

Untitled Painting w/ Praying Man + Tank, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2017, 40 x 32 in

Riding Off Into An Uncertain Future, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 2017, 32 x 40 in

Always Forever In The Hands of God, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2017, 40 x 32 in

Untitled w/ in every moment of tragedy lies the possibility of grace unfolding, 2020, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled W/ It's Complicated, 2021, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/ in the time of COViD, under a waning, giant, thanksgiving moon, arrived a golden bird, shimmering in rainbows... (for Woodson), 2020, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/ Things that go "Boo" in the nite, 2020, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/ And Justice for All (What a crock of shit), 2020, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/Crippled Man Limping Thru Pandemic, 2020, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/ Offerings at the temple of lies, 2020, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/ Spells of Luminosity, to Clean the Cobwebs and Shadows, Old + New - From the time of COViD, 2021, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 30x22

Untitled w/Social Distance, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2021, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/Safety is an illusion (While standing on a rapidly spinning, molten, volcanic rock-covered in a shit-ton of water), Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2021, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/ Dance of Springtime w/ Golden Eggs, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2022, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/New Boss, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2020, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/ Fires on the north Boundary, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2020, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/ 200,000, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2020, 30 x 22 in

Untitled - Unknown Bird w/Broken Wing, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2020, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/Crippled Man in the Time of Cov 19, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2020, 30 x 22 in

Untitled w/ Crippled healer walking in the land of crows - Winter Solstice, Mixed media on Arches Rag Paper, 2020, 30 x 22 in
The Covid Diaries (2020~)

L.A. BuDah - School of Crazy Wisdom, 2019, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 41x30

Tiger BuDah Wards Off Evil, 2019, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 41x30

BuDah Sitting in the Fire, 2019, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 41x30

The BuDah Spitting in the Wind, 2018, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 41x30

Humpty Dumpty BuDah, 2019, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 41x30

BuDah of Loss + Defeat - Who Returns ever again to sit in the Light of Love and Grace, 2022, Mixed Media on 6 Aluminum Panels, 126x102

BuDah to Protect Against all Radioactivity, Mixed Media on Panel, 2022, 42.5 x 80 in

In the Temple of Reverence and Wonder, Mixed Media on Panel, 2022, 73 x 108 in

White BuDah of Purification, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 680 gm - 300 lb, 2018, 41 x 30 in

BuDah of the Ever Changing Changes, Mixed Media on Arches paper, 680 gm - 300 lb, 2018, 41 x 30 in
The BuDah Paintings
Same As It Ever Was (Cain + Abel), 2016, Mixed Media on Canvas, 73x70
Medico, 2013, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
Spirit Hunter, 2013, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
And Then There Were None, 2013, Mixed Media on wood panel, 73x96
Law and Order, 2013, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40
She, 2011, Mixed Media on wood panel, 72x66
Burning Monk, 2013, Mixed Media on wood panel, 80x72
River, 2011, Mixed Media on wood panel, 73x108

Untitled Painting w/ Unanswered Prayers, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2016, 40 x 32 in

Who’s Your Enemy, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2013, 72 x 66 in

Path of Sorrows, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2013, 40 x 32 in

Hanged Man, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2013, 40 x 32 in

Death Birds, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2013, 32 x 40 in

Crack in The World, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2013, 40 x 32 in

Border Crossings, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2013, 40 x 32 in

Bearing Witness, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2013, 84 x 72 in

Victim of Circumstance, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2012, 72 x 36 in

Los Hentes, Mixed Media on 4-ply museum board, 2011, 32 x 40 in

Journey to The Land of Ghosts, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2011, 60 x 72 in

Cro, Mixed Media on board, 2011, 32 x 40 in

Dark Water River Guides, Mixed Media on board, 2011, 72 x 84 in
Lost Trust and Broken Heart at the Altar of The White Wolf, 2009, Mixed Media on wood panel, 72x84
Messenger of the Coming Storm, 2008, Mixed Media on wood panel, 40x32
Sentinel of the New Day, 2008, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
The Terrorist, 2006, Mixed Media on wood panel, 84 x 72
Tank, 2006, Mixed Media on linen, 62x74
Song of the Night, 2006, Mixed Media painting on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
Wheels of Democracy, 2006, Mixed Media on wood panel, 80x144

Crack In The Egg, Mixed Media on linen, 2009, 72 x 60 in

Untitled Portrait, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2008, 40 x 32 in

Untitled Painting w/ Soldier + Airplane, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2008, 32 x 40 in

Soldier w/ Collateral Damage, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2008, 40 x 32 in

Sands of Sorrow, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2008, 40 x 32 in

Chant of the Long Journey - Brother we Carry you on to the other Shore, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2008, 54 x 80 in

Angel Called Gabriel, Mixed Media on wood panel, 2007, 80 x 42 in

Trials of Solomon, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2006, 40 x 32 in

Stag of the Winter Solstice, mixed media on canvas, 2006, 80 x 72 in

Abu Ghraib, Mixed Media on Canvas, 2006, 72 x 60 in
Spirit Brothers of the Invisible World, 2003, Mixed media painting on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 42x30
Colombia, 2002, Mixed media painting on 2 ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
The Winter of Love, 2002, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
Curer and Bird, 2001, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40
Mantras of Protection, 2002, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 40x32
Untitled Painting w/ Bird (Owl), 2001, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 30x42

Oath of Undying Devotion, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2003, 40 x 32 in

Master of Game, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 2002, 40 x 32 in

Liberation of Woman, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2002, 40 x 32 in

In the Shadows of the Watchtower, Mixed Media on Archival Paper, 2002, 40 x 32 in

Guantanamo Camp X-Ray, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 2002, 40 x 32 in

Creatures of the Rapture, Mixed Media on Archival Paper, 2002, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Painting w/ Woman on Grave - Waters of Life, Mixed Media on Archival Paper, 2001, 40 x 32 in

September's Children, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 2001, 32 x 40 in

Prayers to my Fathers, Mixed Media on 4-ply strathmore archival paper, 2001, 40 x 32 in

An Angel Who Has Fallen, Mixed media painting on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 2001, 40 x 32 in
Early 2000s.
The Law of The Hunted, 1998, Mixed Media on stretched linen, 126 x 120
Untitled Drawing w/ Shawama + Safe Passage to the Other Side, 1995, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40
Untitled Painting w/ Jaguar Woman + Snake, 1998, Unstretched Canvas, 84 x 60
Untitled Painting w/ Healing, 1998, Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas, 72x84
Untitled Drawing w/ Cow, Jaguar + Volcanoes, 1992, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40

Untitled Painting w/ Bull + 2 Women, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1991, 32 x 40 in

Songs of War, Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas, 1999, 100 x 100 in

Arrivals in the Time Before Time, Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas, 1999, 100 x 100 in

Untitled Painting w/ Jaguar Man + Snake, Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas, 1998, 84 x 60 in

The Angel, Gabriel, Mixed Media on Unstretched Canvas, 1998, 84 x 60 in

My Responsibility, Crayon on Paper, 1977

Untitled Drawing w/ Shawama Writing on Old Bones, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1995, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Shawama and Rising Angel, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1995, 32 x 40 in

I Love You Allways (Doggie Style), Mixed Media on Paper, 1995, 22 x 15 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Horse +Fat Man + Players, 1985, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40

Untitled Drawing w/ House + Redman, 1985, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40

Untitled Drawing w/ City Streets + Nite + Stranger in Shadow, 1985, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40

Untitled Painting w/ Hunter + Dead Fish, Mixed Media Installation w/ unstretched linen, 1986, 74 x 84 in

Untitled Painting w/ Accused + Jury + Shadow Men, Mixed Media Installation (currently exists in entirety), 1986

Untitled Drawing w/ City Streets + Searching Man, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1986, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Painting w/ Dead Horses Horses don't Finish + Odds Are You Lose, Mixed Media on unstretched linen, 1985, 72 x 84 in

Untitled Painting w/ Built in Swimming Pool + House of Cards, Mixed Media on unstretched linen, 1985, 84 x 144 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Horse on One Side and Another (Missiles), Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1985, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Horse + Built-in Swimming Pool + 2 Car Garage, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1985, 32 x 42 in

Untitled Drawing w/ City + Jungle Street, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1985, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Shaman Ripped to Shreds, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1983, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Drawing w/ City Streets, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1986, 32 x 40 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Horse + House of Cards, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1984, 32 x 42 in
Untitled Drawing w/ 1 Guardian, 1977, Ink and Graphite on Paper, 27x20
The Hunter Series #8, 1976, Mixed Media on wood panel
The Hunter Series #6, 1976, Mixed Media On Wood, 24x36
Untitled Drawing w/ Horse + House, 1978, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 32x40
The Hunter Series - Hunt Hunt Kill Kill, 1976, Mixed Media on wood panel, 24x36
Untitled Drawing w/ 2 Women, 1975, Pastel on Paper, 27x22

Untitled Drawing w/ 7 Guardians, Ink and Graphite on Paper, 1977, 24 x 19 in

Untitled Drawing w/ Shaman, Mixed Media on 2-ply strathmore archival paper, 1983, 32 x 40 in

The Hunter Series #1, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in

The Hunter Series #2, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in

The Hunter Series #3, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in

The Hunter Series #4, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in

The Hunter Series #5, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in

The Hunter Series #7, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in

The Hunter Series #9, Mixed Media on Wood, 1976, 24 x 36 in